American AgCredit is governed by a 24-member Board that oversees the management of our Association. Of these directors, 20 are elected by the stockholders and four are appointed by the elected directors. The Board of Directors represents the interests of our stockholders and meets regularly to perform the following functions, among others:
- Select, evaluate, and compensate the Chief Executive Officer;
- Establish the strategic plan and approve the annual operating plan and budget;
- Oversee the lending operations;
- Advise and counsel management on significant issues; and
- Oversee the financial reporting process, communications with stockholders, and legal and regulatory compliance.
All directors must exercise sound judgment in deciding matters in the Association’s interest. All directors are independent from the perspective that no management or staff serves as Board members. However, as a financial service cooperative, the Association is required by the Farm Credit Act and FCA regulations to have elected directors that have a loan relationship with the Association.