Investing in Our Community

We support our nonprofit partners at various levels, the highest of which we call our Harvest Partners. Spread across our territory, our Harvest Partners are doing incredible work to support our mission pillars of next-generation agriculture, food for people, and supporting disaster relief and recovery efforts. Learn more about our Harvest Partners below.

Soulful Seeds | Reno, Nevada

Since 2018, Soulful Seeds has evolved from a single community garden to a multifaceted nonprofit that is focused on improving food security and education for the most vulnerable populations.

Farm Credit Grow Your Future Forum | Monterey, California

This multi-day, in-person workshop is an opportunity to provide our young, beginning, and small ag producers with tools and education needed to help ensure the future success of their operations, as well as an opportunity to network with peers throughout the U.S. For several years, American AgCredit has been one of several associations to sponsor this annual event.

Bidii Baby Foods | Farmington, New Mexico

Bidii Baby Foods, operating on the Navajo Nation, is an Indigenous-led initiative dedicated to increasing food security and promoting traditional foods. Through their Farmers-in- REZidence program, they support young Indigenous farmers by providing 2-3 acres of land, piped irrigation, shared equipment, and direct mentorship from seed to sale.

Rural Roots Endowment | New Mexico

American AgCredit designed the $10 million Rural Roots Endowment to provide grants and direct funds to New Mexico agricultural organizations that support underserved populations of producers and the next generation of farmers and ranchers – like FFA, 4-H, junior livestock, and scholarships –- as well as protect New Mexico agriculture, fight hunger in New Mexico, and continue ag education in New Mexico.

To manage the endowment, AAC is proud to partner with the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico (CFSNM). For over 34 years, the CFSNM has awarded grants, scholarships, and emergency funding in New Mexico. Rural Roots Endowment grant funds will be released starting in 2024.

GoFarm Hawaii | Hawaii

GoFarm Hawaii is one of the largest and most successful beginning farmer development programs in the nation, with 480 graduates since its inception in 2013.




AAC systems – including online banking – will be unavailable from Sept. 29 at 8 p.m. MT through Oct. 2 at 9 a.m. MT.

If you require assistance during this time, please call 800-869-6034 for support.